
Novops, the universal secret and configuration manager for development, applications and CI.



  • Securely load secrets in protected in-memory files and environment variables
  • Generate temporary credentials and secrets
  • Fetch secrets from anywhere: Hashicorp Vault, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, SOPS and more. Avoid syncing secrets between local tool, CI/CD, and Cloud secret services.
  • Feed secrets directly to command or process with novops run, easing usage of tools like Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible...
  • Manage multiple environments: dev, preprod, prod... and configure them as you need.
  • Easy installation with fully static binary or Nix

Getting Started

Go Get Started !

🔐 Security

Secrets are loaded temporarily as environment variables or in a protected tmpfs directory and kept only for as long as they are needed.. See Novops Security Model for details

Why Novops?

Novops help manage secrets and configurations to avoid keeping them (often insecurely) in gitignored folders, forgotten on your machine and spread around CI and server configs.

See Why Novops? for a detailed explanation and history.

How is Novops different than other secret management tools?

  • Universal: unlike platform-specific tools like aws-vault, Novops is designed to be versatile and flexible, meeting a wide range of secret management needs across different platforms and tools.
  • Free and Open Source, Novops is not trying to sell you a platform or subscription.
  • Generate temporary credentials for Clouders like AWS, where most tools only manage static key/value secrets.
  • Manages multi-environment natively without requiring complex setup like teller.
  • Fetch secrets from source avoiding need for syncing manually with some encrypted file like.