Shell usage examples (sh, bash, zsh...)

Source into current shell

Source into your shell

# bash
source <(novops load)

# zsh / ksh 
source =(novops load)

# dash
novops load -s .envrc
. ./.envrc

# fish
source (novops load | psub)

You can also create an alias such as

alias nload="source <(novops load)"

Run sub-process

Run a sub-process or command loaded with environment variables:

# Run terraform apply
novops run -- terraform apply

# Run a sub-shell
novops run -- sh

This will ensure secrets are only exists in memory for as long as command run.

Load secrets and create a .env -> /run/user/1000/novops/.../vars symlink pointing to dotenv file sourceable into your environment.

novops load -s .envrc

# .env is a symlink
# There's no risk commiting to Git
# Source it !
source .env