Docker & Podman

Run containers

Load environment variables directly into containers:

docker run -it --env-file <(novops load -f dotenv -e dev) alpine sh
podman run -it --env-file <(novops load -f dotenv -e dev) alpine sh

novops load -f dotenv generates an env file output compatible with Docker and Podman.


Use Docker Compose, podman-compose or another tool compatible with Compose Spec

Generate a .env file

novops load -s .env

And use it on Compose file

    image: 'webapp:v1.5'
    env_file: .env

See Compose Spec for details

Build images

Include novops in your Dockerfile such a:

# Multi-stage build to copy novops binary from existing image
FROM crafteo/novops:0.7.0 AS novops

# Final image where novops is copied
FROM alpine AS app

COPY --from=novops /novops /usr/local/bin/novops